Thursday, November 08, 2007

Erlang User Conference 2007

Here are images from the 13th International Erlang/OTP User Conference (EUC 2007) at the Ericsson conference center in Älvsjö, Stockholm, Sweden.

Panorama of the conference room, Fredrik Thulin (Stockolm University) is talking about the YXA SIP server.

Richard Carlsson (IAR Systems) demonstrates Erlang R12's new non-destructive arrays.

Per Gustafsson (Uppsalla University, to the left) on R12B's new bit strings, introduced by Claes Wikström (Tail-f).

Lennart Öhman (Sjöland & Thyselius Telecom) announcing the ErlLounge after the conference. Thanks for your help!

Obfuscated Erlang Competition judge Jan Henry Nyström (Erlang Training & Consulting) announcing this year's winner.

John Hughes' ProTest initiative.

John Hughes (QuviQ) is demonstrating the amazing Euro banknotes to the audience (remember Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain are members of the EU, but still keep their old money for some reason which probably has to do with money).

John Hughes is happy.

Kenneth Lundin (Ericsson) announces lots of goodies for the next Erlang release R12.

Alexey Shchepin (Process-one, on the left) is getting congratulations as Erlang User of the Year 2006 from Bjarne Däcker. Alexey is the original author of the ejabberd instant messaging server and was not present at EUC 2006, so Bjarne pulled him on stage this year. Bjarne is the former manager of the Computer Science Laboratory at Ericsson and Chairman of the EUC.

The illustrious group of former Erlang User of the Year recipients, prior to announcing the User of the Year 2007.

The people are from the left Sean Hinde (Synapse, User of the Year 2001), Alexey Shchepin, Mickaël Rémond (Process-one, User of the Year 2004), Ulf Wiger (Ericsson, User of the Year 1997), Bjarne Däcker, Daniel Luna (Kreditor, former HiPE team), Erik Stenman (Kreditor, former HiPE team), Tobias Lindahl (HiPE team), Per Gustafsson (HiPE team) and Richard Carlsson (IAR Systems AB, former HiPE team). The HiPE team members (Uppsala University) were Users of the Year in 2005.

John Hughes is Erlang User of the Year 2007! The package contains the award. John is one of the authors of the QuickCheck testing tool.

The masses go hunting for food. There were 150 participants. Many more wanted to come but alas the conference was limited to 150 guests.

Gordon Guthrie (right), Dale Harvey and Hasan Veldstra all from

Martin Logan (Orbitz) talks about the Faxien distribution system.

Erik Stenman (yellow tie) talks about quality cruising and was introduced by Francesco Cesarini (Erlang Training & Consulting).

Tamás Nagy (Eötvös Loránd University) explains his ParsErl parser.

Vincenzo Nicosia (Erlang Training & Consulting) talks about how to move Erlang towards being a real time system.

Again Fredrik Thulin on the YXA project.

Samuel Rivas (LambdaStream) talks about an Erlang controled interactive TV streaming system.

In between the sessions the crowd gathered for coffee and sandwiches.

This statue at the backside of the famous Ericsson clock house looks old at frist, but modern on the second look.

Eric Merritt talks about the Sinan build tool.

And wow, R12B is announced for December 5th.

Many thanks to the organizers at Ericsson and the sponsors for this very nice conference and ErlLounge!

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