Saturday, December 06, 2008

Dōjō.beer() in Munich

The crowd gathered, hungry for information

Today I attended the Dōjō.beer() session in Munich. It featured nice people and interesting information on dōjō, a prominent JavaScript GUI toolkit.

uxebu@work. What a nice pair!

A mysterious box with tons of bounty

The contents of the mysterious bounty box transformed the crowd into dōjō disciples

Steering: Wolfram was collecting suggestions and votes

The format of the conference was pragmatic: The team around Nikolai, Norman, Tobias and Wolfram had prepared a bunch of talks and the crowd was asked for their preferences. Then the talks started in order of the voting results.

Special guests: dōjō co-founder Dylan Schiemann and project lead Pete Higgins

The talks were very good and the organizers even managed to have two of the dōjō top guys attend via video conference to tell a bit about the direction the project will take. Impressing.

The dōjō folks definitely have the biggest share of the JavaScript GUI toolkits right now and the technology looks mature too. I will try it out for me!

Many thanks to the sponsors and organizers! (uxebu and Mayflower)